Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

In this week’s Grab Bag Q&A for Dark Age of Camelot, EA Mythic’s Richard Duffek answers questions about the recent archer patch, defensive bonuses in RvR, and more.

Q: Why does debuff effectiveness not affect champions debuffs when its all over Scale, Large Weapons, and even the champions Champ Weapon?

A: Debuff effectiveness does have an impact on Champion’s debuffs in the Valor line, though it is not a large impact due to the nature of how both debuffs and the bonus work. A 100 point debuff doesn’t actually take 100 points off of a stat. It’s actually a complicated formula that takes several things in to account, including the fact that its debuff takes 50% from buffs and 50% from items. This means that it’s going to debuff at less than 50% effectiveness on an unbuffed player. For example, in testing the 75 point str/con debuff will take 27 points off of an unbuffed player, with 10% debuff effectiveness it will take off 34 points, give or take based on spec and bonuses. This shows that the debuff effectiveness is actually performing, but in a very odd way due to the nature of how the debuff formula plays out.

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