Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

In this week’s Grab Bag Q&A for Dark Age of Camelot, EA Mythic’s Missy Hatch answers questions about bridge mechanics, the effect of black dye on stealth, and more.

Q: One of the valk dragon shields (impervious night ward) has the same effect on both slots. Why is this?

A: The Lady of the Jewels explains: These shields intentionally have the same proc twice, the first slot one is set as a weapon proc, that has a 20% chance to go off when they use a shield style like Slam on an enemy. The second slot is the same effect but it is a 10% chance reactive/armor proc. This is so the proc has a chance to go off either when a player attacks with their shield or blocks with it. Sorry for the confusion, all.

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