Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

In this week’s Grab Bag Q&A for Dark Age of Camelot, EA Mythic’s Missy Hatch answers questions about guild housing, spellcrafting qualities, and more.

Q: What is the base run speed in units per second? Does sprint add a constant value to this speed or is it a multiplier? In other words, does the act of sprinting while you have bard speed up add more than sprinting with no speed up?

A: It’s a percentage so, technically, the answer to your question is yes. Says the Bearded Wonder: The base run speed varies by zone. Simply put, the base velocity for RVR is 100 and for PVE zones it is 125. Sprinting gives you a 30% bonus to your current velocity. For example, if you are running in an RvR zone your velocity would increase by 30% of 100, or 30. If you are running in an RvR zone with a speed buff, then sprinting would add 30% of whatever your modified velocity is, which would be more than 30.

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