Capturing That Old-School RPG Flavor, New and Expanded

Remember when Jay Barnson over at Tales of the Rampant Coyote provided this article to help us recapture that “old-school RPG flavor”? Well, he’s just expanded on that earlier offering with even more advice and related links:

Since writing the original article, I was reminded of a couple more articles that may be of value to the billions and billions of people (okay, at least one or two) who are fascinated by the subject of old-school RPG design, just like me!

Progressing Through the Adventure
Melan has a post I’d almost forgotten about from the 3.0E days breaking down the actual map / adventure flow for old-school adventures from the Dice-And-Paper world. His point: (I hope that these brief demonstrations helped underscore the gist of my argument: good map design contributes to the fun of an adventure, and it is not a total crapshoot there are clearly identifiable design principles which (admittedly from a gamist/)old school) standpoint), when followed, benefit a given creation.)

Dungeon Layout, Map Flow, and Old School Game Design

I’m just grateful that he took the time to abstract out the map flow of these games so I don’t have to. That looks like a lot of work.

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