CD Projekt Downplays The Witcher Sequel

CD Projekt’s Michał Kiciński has posted a statement to the official Witcher website that refutes the supposed announcement of a true sequel to the RPG in the latest issue of CD Action magazine.

‘The interview was edited by CD-Action without informing me, and after the changes the meaning of my answer concerning our studios’ future plans became significantly distorted. I realize I could have expressed myself more clearly; this is my mistake, and should not have happened, as I’ve been doing interviews for quite some time and I’m careful with such details. However, the fact is that the question was edited and accompanied with an editorial lead that is not a quote from my statement (and which directly speaks about The Witcher’s sequel), distorted the issue of next RED’s project and caused quite a big confusion. Regardless of whose fault it is (a bit of mine as well), I’d like to apologize for the confusion (and also for the fact that this response did not appear as quick, as it should have). As for the most interesting thing namely our future projects you’ll still need to wait for official statements.’

Either they just didn’t want to make it official yet or they genuinely aren’t working on a sequel. I hope it’s the former.

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