Champions Online Meet the Team Q&A

The latest Champions Online developer Q&A features the game’s writer John Layman.

Q: What do you do as the Champions Online writer?
A: I come up with many, if not most, of the missions, as well as figuring out the big picture “overplots” for various neighborhood maps and the game’s overall story. A lot of this involves coordinating with Jack Emmert and making sure the stories match his vision and his ideas, and talking things over with Steven Long at Hero Games to make sure that stories effectively utilize existing Champions lore whenever possible. I work with designers to get the missions into the game and provide them with villain and henchmen dialogue and mission-giver text and flavor. It’s a job that provides a great deal of variety and opportunities to write in different tones and styles, a challenge which I enjoy.

In an unrelated note, they also put up some spiffy screenshots recently.

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