Champions Online Meet the Team Q&A

A new “Meet the Team” Q&A on Cryptic’s official Champions Online website introduces us to lead character artist Brad Stokan.

Q: What are you most looking forward to in Champions Online?

A: I am stoked for the Nemesis system. I think it’s going to be one of the coolest features in a superhero game to date. As every hero worth their salt knows, a protagonist deserves a fitting arch enemy to drag their good name through the dirt and expose their true character through conflict. And who better to create that dastardly devil than you, the player?

Q: Who is your favorite Champions Online character?

A: I dig Defender. I can really relate to a charming, wealthy playboy who crafts his own suit of power armor. I had plans to create my own suit, but got hung up on the (wealthy) part.

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