Chris Avellone Excited About the Doors Kickstarter is Opening

I’m not sure if any of you have been paying attention to the insane response that Tim Schafer’s Double Fine Adventure has been getting on Kickstarter, but essentially we’re looking at a new way for developers to create niche video games with little to no risk since they’re letting people fund the development costs up front. Simple and effective, right? And with over $1.3 million raised in less than 48 hours (more than triple their goal), Obsidian’s Chris Avellone has been tweeting like crazy about the prospect of doing something similar:

“Man, this Double Fine model is amazing. $675K in a day?”

“I’m down.” in response to “you know, i’d kickstart a @jesawyer and @ChrisAvellone classic RPG. wink wink. WINK WINK.”

“That is nuts. Whole new business model, here we come!”

“I’m down.” in response to “Now can we get a Kickstarter campaign for an old school isometric RPG by @Obsidian_Ent @ChrisAvellone ? kthx”

Hmmmm. I admit, I’ve got Kickstarter fever now. I feel like a bunch of doors suddenly appeared in game development.

Alright, Chris, here’s the deal. While this whole concept is HOT and generating massive word-of-mouth, let’s just go ahead and add an isometric, dialogue-heavy RPG project to Kickstarter and get this thing rolling, shall we? You have my $50 immediately. I’ll even kick in another $50 if it’s party-based with a crazy non-traditional setting.

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