Chris Taylor Interview

VoodooExtreme had the honor of discussing Dungeon Siege with Chris Taylor… actually it was more of a Q & A jam session. As one would hope, it contains a bit of the new, a bit of insight, and a bit of the regurgitated. Here’s some of the better stuff:

Q: There’s been a lot of ink about every aspect of Dungeon Siege. Tell me one aspect of the game that will surprise even knowledgeable DS fans?

A: Hmmm… I have pretty much laid out the game mechanics, stores, formations, pack mules, sipping potions, money-back-guarantees, spell-systems, but I haven’t talked much about the huge mulitplayer world we also include with the game and that we have a secret tropical island. Speaking of which, I don’t think we have talked all that much about our multiplayer world and that it’s just the most outrageously huge, and vast place to explore ever. There is one location where there are two twenty story towers that are side-by-side that you can climb and cross between them by a connecting bridge. You have to fight your way up one tower and then back down the other side to cross the river.

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