Chrono Trigger DS Preview

UGO Games Blog has published a brief preview of the upcoming DS version of Chrono Trigger, presumably after seeing the game at this year’s Tokyo Game Show.

So what’s different?

For one, the DS release will include the animated cutscenes from the PS1 re-release. Players will also be treated to an extra dungeon that’s based on the primary narrative in Chrono Trigger, and a unique–yet unannounced–multiplayer mode. Of course, the game will also make use of both the DS screens while including support for stylus play.

All these additions (with the exception of the multiplayer) seem like a fairly paltry list of bonuses for a game that’s been at the top of RPG lists since its original release. Albeit, how would one propose to make an already near-flawless game any better? Hopefully the single additional dungeon will provide enough of a challenge (or insight to the Chrono Trigger universe) to satisfy the fan base that’s eager to re-acquaint themselves with the title.

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