Chuck Yager Interview

GameSpot UK has conducted an interview with Pool of Radiance: ROMD’s Associate Producer, Chuck Yager. Most of the interview revolves around why the development team left certain features out of the game, but also touches on the possibility of a sequel. Here’s a snipppet:

    GS: Bards, druids and mages are curiously absent as character classes, and there is no gnome race. Any reason for this?

    CY: Those three classes were experiencing some major overhauls from 3E when we were locking down design. Pool started off being a different game than it ended up in many ways, and given the difficulty of the change-over from 2E to 3E and the fact that we had to make some concessions in the switch, these classes got left off the list. The gnome was also something we just didn’t plan on for the original scope of the game. After seeing the feedback on the omission of these classes and race, we will certainly shoot to include them in any sequels or other products going forward.

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