Chuck Yager @ Wizards of the Coast

I noticed over at RPGVault that Chuck Yager, associate producer for Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, has put together another article for the Wizards of the Coast website. This month, Chuck talks about the various bugs they encountered with the game during testing:

    One of the most fun experiences in the product’s development was doing the voice casting, but that in turn led to some interesting incidents. When we got the guys in to record the “Song of Faerun,” which a player can catch several verses of throughout the game, we decided it might prove interesting to attempt a two-NPC pantomime of the song. Since these two thievish characters seemed to be of ill repute in certain regards in the game, we tried having the singers perform the song as if they were drunk. Laughter erupted from the studio room as these two grown men acted out a slurred and drunken version of the first verse of the song. We captured it on audio and although we never put it into the game (deciding against that particular treatment in the end), we still get a kick out of it today.
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