Cities: Skylines Campus DLC Released May 21st

Colossal Orderm with Paradox Interactive are excited to announce the latest DLC for their smash-hit city building game Cities: Skylines. Campus which will be available on May 21st brings a whole host of new university and educational buildings including academic works, sports arena’s and new achievements.

The Campus DLC will be available for around $12.99 and with you’ll get all this.

  • Design your own campus based on one of three different educational establishments, Trade School, Liberal Arts College and University. Make them great and attract more students by designing academic works.
  • Create college sports teams in football, basketball, baseball, track & field and swimming, and manage that team, and sell tickets and collect your winning teams prizes.
  • More policies, including for-profit education and book fairs. Use research grants to increase the number of sponsored works.
  • Display your scientific advancement in museums
  • Celebrate with Graduation ceremonies
  • Five new maps
  • Three new Chirper Hats

But there’s nothing as good as free stuff, so with the DLC they are also adding

  • two new library buildings
  • a new yellow school bus
  • job titles in the citizen info panel
  • and new industry policies

If you want to add even more to your Cities, then you’ve got a new content creator pack and two new radio stations available for purchase.

Cities: Skylines – Content Creator Pack: University City ($4.99)

University City adds 36 low density residential buildings, 32 low-density commercial buildings and 15 props (inc. signs and logo’s) to reflect your new student population

Cities: Skylines – Deep Focus Radio ($3.99)

This station comes with 16 unique chilled-out, ambient and Lo-Fi study music tracks presented by ‘Deep Thought’

Cities: Skylines – Campus Rock Radio ($3.99)

For something a little more energetic, Campus Rock Radio gives you DJ Claude Couture and 16 tracks of College Rock, Teen Pop, Happy Punk, and Power Chord music.

The Cities: Skylines – Campus LDC will be released on May 21st, and if you want more information head over to the Cities: Skylines Campus official website.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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