City of Heroes/City of Villains E3 Interview

Boomtown was able to track down Cryptic Studios’ Matt Miller on the show floor of E3 for a lengthy Q&A about the future of the superhero MMORPG. A little something to start you off:

Q: Please tell us more about the veteran player reward system.

A: We’ll have veteran rewards, which you’ll get every three months of payment and I’d like to stress here that the three months don’t have to be continuous. There’ll be lots of fan requested items and I can tell you that a trench coats costume option will be the first reward that we’ll hand out. The rewards are account based, thus players won’t have to decide which character they want to use them on. Some of the other ideas we’re toying with are base items, free respecs and temporal powers. There’s even a chance we’ll see the beloved Christmas jet pack again. An expanded version of the Halloween event will also open this year giving newer players are chance of getting those cool badges.

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