Code of the Savage Update #12 – The Sidebar

Geoff Jones has put together a new update for the alpha version of his upcoming old-school RPG Code of the Savage that adds a number of helpful sidebars to the UI and fixes a number of minor bugs and issues. The latest Kickstarter update for the game offers an overview of the new stuff. Have a look:

Hello everyone!

I am going to do an update roughly once per month (more or less).

This update is all about the sidebar. I have now added sidebar tabs! You now see equipment, stats, skills/spells, and a journal log tab. (the skills tab is still under construction).

The log tab will update automatically when new information is given to the player. When a journal entry is completed, it will turn green. You will also see a filter button that will switch between displaying completed, incomplete or both. Give it a try! speaking to some NPCs or triggering specific events will add a new journal entry.

The stats tab is just an area that will display more detailed stats such as hunger level and current effects the player is under (poisoned, cursed, bleeding, blessed, etc etc…) The effect icons are just placeholdersand are non-functional at the moment.

Some other changes/fixes:

  • Arrows now splash if fired into the water
  • Fixed an issue with the step sound
  • A map and sextant have been placed at the start position. Move them to your inventory and then press M to bring up the map. This will show your location on the world map to give to an idea of the scale.
  • The annoying wolf has been removed…
  • Fixed issue with a crash on player death
  • Many other smaller bug fixes…

Going forward, I will be uploading the new Alpha Demos to the same Dropbox folder each time a new version is available. The link to this folder will be emailed to eligible backers. Please read the README.TXT included in the zip file 🙂

Thanks again for everyone’s support!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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