Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role-playing Game New Location – The Factory

Following two months of active development, Iron Tower Studio’s Colony Ship RPG can now boast a new early access build featuring a new area where you’ll be navigating a three-way conflict between the game’s factions. Here’s more on that, along with a list of other notable changes:

After two months of work we proudly present the next location – the Factory, an abandoned industrial complex sitting between the Pit and the Habitat (your current destination).

“Before the Mutiny, a rail system suspended high in the Factory’s metal canopy would deliver citizens to the dismal warehouses and distribution facilities where they spent their working days. Not surprisingly, that’s where the revolt started, quickly spreading throughout the Ship. The factories were looted and stripped for parts, the railway blown up to cut off the Mission Control from the Habitat and prevent reinforcements from pouring in.

Within a few decades, the Factory had been mostly abandoned until growing trade between the Pit and the Habitat turned it into a new Silk Road…”

It features a fun three-way between Thy Brother’s Keepers, The Black Hand, and Detroit City, which can end in five different ways.

Right now you can fight or talk your way through. A stealth path will be added in July (if you played our first game, think infiltrating Antidas’ palace, only in turn-based stealth mode).

Notable changes:


  • Added reload animations to weapons during combat.


  • Energy shield starting regen is 3.
  • Opportunist reaction increased to 10.
  • Gunfighter reaction reduced to 10.
  • Dodge This graze mod increased to 20, damage reduced to 2.
  • Tweaked SMG reaction stats.
  • Aimed burst now has 10% penetration.
  • Healing factor HP gain increased to 3.
  • Tweaked the weapon skill gain system.

If you’re just discovering the game and would like to know more, here’s the features overview:

First Chapter’s Overview

And if you’re wondering if the game is for you, read this first:

Read Before Buying

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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