Commenting on the Official Board Update

    Cord Grimwinder-8d

      A clarification about the storyline:

      We finished creating extensive outlines (approx. 30 pages per outline) for each of our modules last September or so.

      In February, we were writing prototype conversation for some of the modules in the first chapter. It’s important to note that these were done in a word processor, using hypertext links, not in the actual toolset.

      We’re currently transfering the prototype conversations into the actual conversation editor, using that as a means to quickly hunt down bugs (I thought I finished the conversation for one of my modules today, for instance, only to find that a bug had corrupted a bunch of my files).

      So, yes, you could say that we’ve been ‘creating the storyline’ for many months, now, but it’s really an iterative, piecemeal process that will still be continuing well into the future. This is a normal process for a new engine game and nothing to get alarmed about. =)

      But thanks for asking,
      Rob Bartel

        For the next while we will most likely be implementing things a number of times as we find bugs through our creation efforts. Lost work is the name of the game with an early build of anything.

        Trent Oster

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