Copper Dreams “Alpha Preview” Trailer, Kickstarter and Demo Information Coming Soon

The duo at Whalenought Studios released a video preview for Copper Dreams, their upcoming cyberpunk RPG that they had announced last year. The video gives a glimpse of some alpha art, while a voiceover gives us the elevator pitch about the game’s setting:

For now, that’s all we get, although the description implies that information on the Kickstarter campaign to fund the full development and a demo for the title should be coming our way sometime soon:

Kickstarter and demo information coming soon. Be sure to check out our musings page for more updates detailing the ruleset and mechanics behind the game!

The folks at Whalenought Studios have already successfully Kickstarted and released one title, the charmingly old-school Serpents in the Staglands, which unfortunately didn’t receive much attention outside of niche RPG communities.

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