Crimson Alliance Monster Profiles

Certain Affinity’s official Crimson Alliance website has been updated with a new “Monster Manual” section, and the first three profiles to be found there spotlight the Gulyabani Butcher, Gulyabani Grunt, and Gulyabani Archer. Ahhh, fresh meat:

(Skinner, tanner, hacker, spit. Cut its throat and watch it drip. Bones and guts and flesh and skin, kill and let the feast begin!) – Traditional Gulyabani Blessing

(When it roared it was a horrible sound, and men began to abandon their posts up and down the wall. Saliz, our brave commander, rushed it and tried to bring it down. It shook its fist towards the sky and roared again. Mebby it was just a trick of the light, but I swear the air got all shimmery and it knocked the commander back ten feet. Then things got worse. It rushed him, and brought down this huge spiked club. Knocked Saliz back right into a burning building. He was tough as a blacksmith, Saliz, but he didn’t ever walk right again after that.

Took twenty of the finest archers in WestRed to bring that Guly Butcher down. And I won’t even tell you what we found in his pockets.)

– Memories of the WestRed Campaign, Red McClure

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