Crossroads Gaming Network No More?

In more news of advertising revenue woes, Lum the Mad is reporting that the Crossroads Gaming Network might be done for. For those of you who may not have visited Xroads, they were an MMORPG gaming network, providing coverage for games like Ultima Online, Shadowbane, and many more. Here’s a rip from Lum’s news:

    The Crossroads Gaming Network, down since sometime yesterday, apparently isn’t getting back up any time soon. Former Crossroads of Dereth site manager Allen Grey posted the following on an ad hoc board run by veterans of CoD Discussions:

    From: Brent
    Date: June 08, 2001 at 2:08 pm
    Subject: looks like crossroads is dead folks

    Word is the colocation service provider has terminated service for lack of payment.

    I’m waiting for CoD, the only site in the network to enjoy any popularity since the murder of CoB by, to follow Crossroads of Shadowbane’s lead. Otherwise the entire AC community will end up at AC Vault, and I don’t want to see the good CoD posters corrupted into using alternating caps in their text sigs.

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