Crusade Interview was able to track down Quest Online’s David Allen for a general Q&A about their newly announced fantasy MMORPG, Crusade. Here’s a bit to get you started:

Q: We’ve yet to see a screenshot, so it gives you a unique opportunity to explain your artistic direction without people having formed their opinions. What are your goals for art in Crusade?

A: The first few screenshots should be available by the end of May; but in the meantime, we’re still working to refine the artistic look and feel of Crusade. We’re going for a warm fantasy-based setting, but don’t want to go photorealistic, or too cartoony – finding that happy medium takes time. The conceptual artwork from individuals like Doug Shuler, and Anthony Waters is serving as a great foundation for the colorization, look and feel we’re trying to establish.

Key to artwork is the (culture) of the Asheroth and Kujix. How their structures look, not just in general, but from a multi-racial perspective. We aren’t just establishing one core culture, but a baseline that’s then evolved by other races, so when you, for example, enter a Talrok controlled area, you definitely get the Kujix feel, but it may be different from the feel of another Kujix race and their structures.

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