Crypt Cards Indie Shout Out

When you play an online card game there isn’t usually much in the way of customisation. You’re generally stuck with how the game’s developers wanted things to be. The cards look how they want them to and they work how they want them to work. However, Crypt Cards, a 3D multiplayer digital card indie game with real-time turn based battles that’s currently making its way through Steam Greenlight is looking at things a little differently.

Crypt Cards allows you to create your own cards. You can choose the creatures, the skins and the skills and stats of the card. So, you can literally create the card army you want. If that isn’t enough when the game goes live there will be a market that you can buy from and sell your skins to. That’s right. You can make money from selling the card skins you make for actual, real life cash dropped into your Paypal account every month.

The developers behind Crypt Cards have this to say

“The goal for the project is to create a fun and interesting game with a strong connection to our community. We want to create the best game possible where the community is involved in shaping the game.

So, If the prospect of all that customisation and cash doesn’t sway you then Crypt Cards has everything you would expect from a card game. It has single and multi-player modes with three different card masters to choose from. It’s available on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android, and best of all it’s completely FREE.

In the same spirit, we also want our users to be able to customize the look and feel of the game by creating their own card skins. Other things we focus on to make the game stick out is support for multiple platforms so the user can play against friends that are not on the same platform as they are.”

If you want to find out more information on Crypt Cards you can find it on thei…

Steam Greenlight page

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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