DAoC Beta Journal

Camelot Vault has posted a new Dark Age of Camelot Beta Journal detailing the new Celtic realm of Hibernia which was released earlier this week. Included in the journal are eight new screenshots to help illustrate the tale, which goes something like this:

    In the Elvish town of Ardagh, I found the trainer for the Path of Focus and learned about life as a Warden, which intrigued me greatly. I also found the loquacious Rhodry, who gladly accepted the letter, but then told me not to run off so fast! He said that the letter told him I was new to the area, and he wondered if I had yet heard of the silver miners causing such destruction to our land in the nearby mountains. Not only would ridding the land of these miners protect our realm, merchants were known to value the tools they used. I would keep this in mind!
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