DAoC Birth of a Beta Player

CamelotVault has started up a new series of hands-on articles based off their play on the 2nd beta which is coming to a close soon. The first is a nicely woven tale of the birth of a character and the first steps in the world. The following is read-only (and not interactive in any way, shape or form). Any attempt to interact with this bit of text will be considered lewd and inappropriate conduct and you will be expundged, post haste:

Healing Hand: Healers of the land are sought out for their ability to help a player recover when they have been weakened by death. In exchange for monetary donations, players regain Constitution points lost when they are killed. Brother Maynard offers to check Qayi’s wounds but as a new adventurer she has never had to deal with the effects of death before.

And it will be a while yet until she has to. The early development of a character from levels 1 through 5 are free of death penalties in order to help speed the player towards the choice of one of the advanced classes. Which can be important as errors in judgement made by weaker novice characters are seldom forgiving.

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