DAoC Reaches 100k!

Oh my gosh that was quick. Mythic’s Press release reports that Dark Age of Camelot is the fastest MMORPG ever and they’ve already reached the 100,000 subscriber mark! Incredible. It’s the Camelot factor and the “easy to get into” gameplay I know. Not to mention the fact that it released without any major bugs. Great job Mythic. Here’s the crux:

FAIRFAX, VA –OCTOBER 29th, 2001 –Mythic Entertainment (www.mythicentertainment.com), developer and publisher of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Dark Age of Camelot, (www.darkageofcamelot.com) has announced that the game broke all sales records for online games during its first two weeks at retail. The release of sell-through numbers from NPD INTELECT Market Tracking (www.intelectmt.com) for the week ending October 13th 2001 placed the game in the number one slot as the best selling game in the U.S. Since the Oct 9th 2001 release of the game Mythic can now confirm over 100,000 registered players making it the fastest selling pay-for-play MMORPG in the history of online gaming. The sales eclipse those at launch for such renowned games as Everquest, Ultima Online and Asheron’s Call. Dark Age of Camelot is well on its way to establishing a key position within the pantheon of online games. Dark Age of Camelot is co-published with Abandon Entertainment (www.abandonent.com).

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