Dark Age of Camelot E3 Report

Camelot Vault has posted up an E3 report of Mythic’s not-too-far-away MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot. The report is essentially a preview, giving information about DAoC’s release date, what obstacles need to be overcome before its release, and more. Here’s a short clip:

    Dark Age of Camelot has come a long way since development began at the beginning of 2000, but the last few months will prove to be as challenging as ever. Both Matt Firor and Dave Rickey agreed the biggest and most important hurdle will be to get the Realm of Hibernia implemented and to complete balancing across all classes and monsters. In addition there are a myriad of smaller features and systems still to come online, ranging from minor things like doors and underwater regions to major items such as trade skills and the capturing of outposts.
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