Dark Age of Camelot Interview

Voodoo Extreme has posted up an interview with Mark Jacobs and Matt Firor of Mythic Entertainment about their upcoming MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. The interview includes some new screenshots and covers the basics of the game, as well as future projects, such as expansion packs:

    What obstacles, from the developers viewpoint, are you most having trouble with right now, and are there some things you would like to see in the game but feel technology isn’t quite there yet?

    Well, there’s a million things we’d love to see in the game that can’t be done right now – from true voice communication to more user-based combat (i.e. twitch based). However, due to the nature of the Internet, we just can’t do those things right now. I think we’ve done a great job figuring out what can and what can’t be done and focusing on what we CAN do.

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