Dark Age of Camelot: Labyrinth of the Minotaur Q&A

The guys at Voodoo Extreme were able to track down EA Mythic’s Walter Yarbrough for a two-page Q&A about their upcoming Dark Age of Camelot: Labyrinth of the Minotaur expansion pack.

Q: I’ve heard some murmurs about crafting changes, like taking out the quality aspect in items. What sort of crafting changes are on the discussion table?

A: The immediate plans are:

1) Allow any character to choose any tradeskill, including Spellcrafting and Alchemy.

2) Allow characters to choose additional tradeskills, with no limit on how many they can choose. This means that a character is able to choose all tradeskills to skill up.

3) Imbue values will be equivalent across all quality percentages. For example, a level 51 item will have 32 imbue points at any quality.

There is more to come.

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