Dark Age of Camelot – The Next 30 Days

Mark Jacobs posted up another letter on Camelot Herald letting everyone know what their goals are for adding content over the next 30 days to their popular MMORPG. Here’s a snippet:

    Three new zones will be added to the game. These zones are not simply large tracts of land with little or no underlying theme but rather tightly organized and constructed “Epic Zones”. We have never had zones like these before and we expect that the community will enjoy them immensely. Each Realm will get an EZ with new encounters and, of course, Epic Monsters to go with them. Each EZ has a cohesive story and setting. All encounters in these zones are related to one another in theme. You work your way through these zones like you would a dungeon, finding lower-level monsters on the outside, and much, much higher ones as you work your way in.
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