Unreal Mod Support Comes to Dark and Light

What do people love more than games? Modding games of course! Dark and Light mod support is coming tothe online fantasy RPG game, with its brand new development kit. The launch of the new Dark and Light Development Kit gives the modding community access to the Unreal 4 engine where they can experiment to their hearts content. Most gamers will tell you than the one thing better than a game itself is being able to make that game unique to you, and that means mods. And lots of them! Check out the development trailer below.

Developers Snail Games finally give modding access

The developers of Dark and Light are really excited about giving the community access to the modding community. They see it as a door to give people creative freedom with their games. Jimmy Tran, Senior Producer for Snail Games said, “Many game designers begin in the modding community, so our team is excited to begin this partnership with Epic Games, as a way to support budding developers and bring a whole new level of creativity to our player base. We can’t wait to see what you can dream up for Dark and Light.” And, we can’t wait either! I’ve always admired modders for their talent to bring something unique and different to games. This would be no different.

Get your creative hat on!

The great thing about this development kit is that it gives you access to the Unreal Engine while still being accessible to new modders. So, even if you are still aspiring, you can start here! Plus, the amount of stuff you will be able to mod is quite impressive. The list includes:

  • Maps and regions
  • Spells
  • Creatures
  • Weapons and armour
  • UI Screens
  • New Game modes
  • Class abilities and game mechanics
  • And more!

What more could you ask for? Well, that’s not all! (I realise this is starting to sound like some cheesy game show now, so I’ll stop).

Make Archos your own

Not only will modders have access to the assets in the engine but they can import their own artwork too. Blueprints for mechanics will also be available so you can create your own unique spells and AI. How cool is that? Setting up an Unreal Engine account is free and once you link up your game you are good to go. So, why not get creative and see what you can come up with?

Check out the Dark and Light website for more information about the game and updates.



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I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

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