Darkest Dungeon II – Roadmap and Experimental Patch Notes

Having launched into early access back in October, Darkest Dungeon II can now boast a community roadmap listing six big milestone updates the game will receive prior to getting a full release. The first of those should be going live in February 2022, with the rest coming at later unspecified dates.

And after checking out the roadmap, since it’s mostly just a single image, you might also want to familiarize yourself with the patch notes for the game’s experimental branch from last month. Since those go on for quite a while, here’s just a general overview of the new stuff:

Hello Protégés,

Today we have released the Torch and Trophy update to Darkest Dungeon II via the EXPERIMENTAL BRANCH, which is an opt-in installation of the game.

(See instructions below.)

We use the Experimental Branch to test out higher risk updates that could benefit from hands-on testing in a live environment. Torch and Trophy is destined for the main game branch, but we wish to use the Experimental branch to ensure that everything works properly. We’ve done internal testing, but sometimes there is no substitute for a larger test pool, in order to find all the gremlins.

Torch and Trophy includes some interesting new features as well as numerous adjustments, improvements, and fixes. For a full list, see the patch notes below. This update will remain on the experimental branch throughout the holidays. We expect to push it to the main branch in the first week or two of the New Year. If you’re the type that likes to live on the edge–we encourage you to check it out, and let us know what you think!

Red Hook will be closed during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The team worked exceptionally hard this year, and many are already enjoying some well-deserved time off. Consequently, there won’t be any more updates or hotfixes until the New Year. When we return full of egg nog and energy, we’ll get crackin’ once more!

As our first order of business in January, you can expect a communication regarding the high-level roadmap for Darkest Dungeon II. While we have internal content and development priorities, we wanted to hold off on locking ourselves into a plan until the community had had a chance to play and feed back on the game. Rest assured, we are looking to add all sorts of content – biomes, monsters, heroes, etc – and are taking a hard look at some of the existing pain-points in the game, including Affinity/Relationships, run variety, trinkets and more.

In the meantime, we hope you have the opportunity to curl up with some sugarplums and gingerbread, and most importantly: hurl some more heroes towards the Mountain.

Thank you for accompanying us on this journey,

–Red Hook Studios

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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