Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness Console Release Details

The endless Color of Madness DLC for Red Hook Studios’ side-scrolling RPG Darkest Dungeon launched a few months back on PC, and now, this post on the game’s website informs us that the DLC will be making its way to the consoles on October 11, 2018, priced at $4.99 or your regional equivalent.

The post also mentions the physical Nintendo Switch editions, the digital Ancestral Bundles, a PlayStation-specific delay, and even a Darkest Dungeon-themed DOTA 2 announcer of all things. Check it out:

Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness releases on Switch, XBOX One, and iPad October 11th for $4.99 USD! Along with the release of the The Color of Madness, The Musketeer DLC will be released for FREE to the above platforms as well as the large game balance patch that has been live for the PC version of the game since June.

The Color of Madness storefront pages will go live on Thursday September 27th on both Switch and XBOX One, so please help spread the word to friends and fans alike!

Ancestral Edition Digital Bundles

With the release of the new DLCs we wanted to update the Digital Ancestral Bundles on the console marketplaces. To do this we had to take down the old bundle and put up a new bundle with all the DLCs included.

That said, if you purchased the digital bundle BEFORE the 11th, you will still need to purchase The Color of Madness separately. AFTER the 11th, the digital Bundle will include all currently available Darkest Dungeon content for $39.99 USD.

Physical Ancestral Edition Switch Owners

For those who purchased a physical copy of Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition published by Merge Games, you will be getting The Color of Madness for free! This means that physical Ancestral Edition owners will be getting The Color of Madness, The Musketeer, and the game balance update as a single large patch, since there will not be an eShop storefront needed.

Since we had to submit a separate build to Nintendo for the physical edition to contain all the DLC and updates without the need for a store, this has resulted in a slight delay on its approval. It’s in the certification process right now, and we hope it clears soon so that we can release it with the rest on October 11th, but there is still a slim chance it may take a bit longer.

But wait, there’s more!

The Ancestor takes to the field of strife!

The Ancestor DOTA 2 Announcer Pack will be released for sale on October 2nd for $9.99. Yes that’s right, it’s finally happening! Wayne June has recorded a whomping 715 lines to bring The Ancestor’s narration to the aeon’s long strife of DOTA 2. We even worked with Valve to get new announcer triggers for some lines enabling The Ancestor to continue in his chiding ways. We hope players enjoy the pack as we have been excited to work on it since it was initially proposed years ago.

Please help spread the word!

As always we invite you to join our official discord channel and chat with fellow members of the Darkest Dungeon community!


Hey wait a minute, when will the DLC release for PS4 and VITA owners!?

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VITA owners, don’t fret! The build is close behind, but we have not cleared certification so we cannot confirm the release date for this platform yet! But rest assured we are working to get the release out as soon as possible!

Will there be a sale on Darkest Dungeon at release?

Yes! On Switch, All Darkest Dungeon products, EXCEPT for The Color of Madness, will be on sale for 2 weeks starting on the 11th. That includes The Ancestral Edition bundle so you can get everything for a nice $29.99 USD (That’s $10 cheaper than normal!)

I own the Physical Ancestral Edition on PS4, will I also get The Color of Madness DLC for free?

We run different promotions for different platforms at different times, and this offer is valid on the physical Ancestral Edition on Switch only.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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