Darkfall Peek #26

The twenty-sixth installment to RPG Vault’s “peek” feature for Darkfall is now online, this time with Adventurine’s Tasos Flambouras discussing the game’s trading system.

Trading in Darkfall has its risks. A trader can be attacked at any time, killed and looted. If this occurs during the transportation of goods to market or storage, or during a transaction, the trader could take a serious hit. Traders are good targets for racial enemies, pirates and bandits, so they need to be protected, well organized, and careful about where they hold their transactions and how they transport their goods. Transportation of goods is done on foot, by mount, ship and other transport. Traders can form caravans or convoys for their mutual protection. They can hire bodyguards, have clan mates or friends as backup during both transportation and transactions with parties they don’t trust.

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