David Allen Interview

The guys over at HorizonsFanSite.com have posted up an interview with the CEO of Artifact Entertainment, David Allen, about their upcoming MMORPG Horizons. Here’s a snippet:

    Q: For the economy to be truly realistic AND be focused on player-made merchandise, do you plan on tracking the sale price of every item in the game, including those sales made by players to other players? If so, how would this be handled for “package” sales of more than one item at a time? If not, how will the player sales be incorporated into the realistic economy?

    A: We are not using a simulated economy for HORIZONS – we are using a true economy model that was designed specifically for the game. While I’m not ready to release information on exactly how this model operates, all I will say is that we hope to achieve the most realistic economy that the MMOG industry as seen.

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