David Gaider Interview

The Dragon’s Breath Forge has posted up another set of questions that were asked of BioWare’s David Gaider concerning the original Baldur’s Gate and its sequel, Shadows of Amn. Here’s a snippet:

    Q: What was your favorite non-playable character in BG1?

    A: By non-playable character, I assume you mean a character who didn’t join your party. For BG1, that’s pretty easy: I liked Sarevok a lot. I thought there was a lot that wasn’t said about his character and his history…you just got little hints of it throughout the game. That’s why I was pretty excited when I was given the opportunity to actually write him as an NPC for Throne of Bhaal. It was a challenge to make it believable that you could work with Sarevok even after what he did to you in the first game.

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