DC Universe Online Preview

MMORPG.com is offering up a hands-on preview of DC Universe Online after receiving a demonstration of SOE’s superhero MMORPG prior to GDC Austin.

They believe firmly in earning your stripes. Where Champions allows nearly every detail of customization from even before a player first takes their first step, new characters in DC Universe will be a bit more reserved. To start, at least.

Don’t panic, there will still be the gamut of sliders, textures and features. People can wear tights; have armor and even other insanity from the first days of their crime fighting/causing careers. They won’t, however, have all the options. The coolest stuff will be saved for later.

This is the norm in most MMOs, but superhero games have always gone to great lengths not to mess with a person’s look, much to the detriment of item based systems. DC wants the best of both worlds.

Every item a player earns in DC Universe is permanently available in the character’s wardrobe, even if the item is traded, sold or tossed away. Then, as a second layer, players equip actual items to gain their statistical advantages. They are not, however, under any obligation to display them.

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