DDO: Eberron Unlimited Interview

The Armchair Empire is next in line to publish an Eberron Unlimited interview, though they don’t actually mention which Turbine rep was quizzed.

What sort of gameplay / content updates are planned to coincide with Eberron Unlimited?

When DDO Unlimited goes live, the level cap will be raised to 20. It’s important to note that 20 levels in DDO Unlimited are equal to 80 levels in a traditional MMO due to the D&D ruleset. We will be introducing a new class, a new 12-player raid and over a dozen new dungeons as part of a new adventure pack. This content will all be free to our VIP players and our free players will be able to purchase the new adventures in the new DDO store. There is also a wealth of new enhancements to the game, particularly our combat system which is one of the best in the industry.

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