Dead State Design Update

This week’s design update on the official Dead State forums sees lead designer Brian Mitsoda telling us all about the kitchen knife – its advantages, disadvantages, in-game statistics, attack options, and more.

Now let’s look at the Kitchen Knife’s stats:

Hands: 1 (Can keep another object in second hand)
Range: 1 (Must be standing next to target)
Type: Slashing (Counts as Slashing damage, not good VS armor with high Slashing Resistance)
Stat Chance: Counter 40%, Bleeding 20%  (Good counter chance, decent chance to cause bleeding)
Noise: 2 (Extremely quiet weapon)
Strength: 1 (Strength required to wield effectively, this one is one of the lightest)
ZDamage: 40% (It only does 40% of normal damage against zombies, so not good for undead)
Critical Hit Chance: 10% (Pretty high chance for criticals)
Critical Multiplier: 2 (But only does double damage)
Weight: 1 (Very light)
Break: 5% (Low chance to break)

Let’s look at Break for a sec. Weapons designed for punishment or combat won’t break. The kitchen knife is an (improvised) weapon, therefore, it has a chance to break. Basically carry a spare weapon or look for a better knife if you’re using this. Broken items cannot be repaired.

Who would have thought that a simple kitchen knife could warrant so many stats? Good stuff.

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