Demigod Interview

Big Download had the chance to grill Demigod lead designer Mike Marr about various topics related to the RTS/RPG hybrid.

What sort of game is Demigod? Is it an RTS game? Is it an RPG? Is it an action game?

Demigod is an action game that uses the core of RTS principles with a heavy blend of RPG elements. You fight and play the game as an RTS, but level up, purchase abilities in a skill tree and buy items like you would in an RPG.

How will leveling up work in the game?

Leveling works in two ways. First, during a match your Demigod will earn experience and level up. Leveling increases core attributes and grants skill points- which can be used to purchase new abilities for your Demigod. During a match you can reach a max level of 25.

In addition, there are Achievement Points. Achievement Points can be earned by performing well during a match, say by dealing the most damage or killing the most opponents. These points are persistent and can be used to purchase Achievement Items, which stay with the character from match to match.

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