Depths of Peril Interview, Part One

Generation: Gamerz has kicked up the first portion of a new interview they conducted with Soldak Entertainment’s Steven Peeler about leaving Ritual, starting a new video game development studio, and creating Depths of Peril.

Q: What possessed you to leave Ritual and move into your own digs? Was it the human sacrifices? How long have you been in the ‘biz’?

A: Well the human sacrifices were fun for a while, but you start getting really nervous when the supply of victims runs low. [smiles] Actually, one of the main reasons was that I wanted to work on an RPG and while many people at Ritual and even some of the owners wanted to create one, it just didn’t look like a publisher was ever going to sign a deal with Ritual to do one. Something about Ritual having no experience with RPGs and some nonsense about too many RPGs already. So I decided to do one anyways, which meant leaving Ritual.

I worked at a startup before Ritual for a couple years, Ritual for 6 years, and now Soldak for almost 3 years. So I have been in the industry for about a decade (plus or minus a year depending on what you count).

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