Depths of Peril Review

gameSlave offers a review of Depths of Peril, giving the gAME 7.5/10.

Depths of Peril puts you in the sandals/boots/slippers of a titular hero who can take the form of a warrior, rouge, priest or mage, depending on whether you want to stealth up your enemies or make them explode. Your character is the leader of a faction, or a ‘covenant,’ within the barbarian city of Jorvik- the last bastion of humanity in a world filled with monsters. Along with your own faction there are several other groups which are vying for power and influence and it will be up to you to beg, borrow, steal, fight or butter-up the other covenants if you want to make your way to the top.

And that’s where Depths of Peril overtakes other Diablo-clones, this game is more than just your basic ‘wander the world while fighting monsters and collecting pointless bits of glass’ RPG, this one attempts to be a jack of all trades, merchant diplomat and warrior all rolled into one.

Titular? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Spotted on Blue’s News.

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