Depths of Peril Site Update

Soldak Entertainment’s official Depths of Peril website has been updated with the first portion of a new short story entitled “In the Eye.”

Malica didn’t like ifs.

Dropping the crossbow, she jumped out of the pit, feet pushing the edge, tumbling dirt down the hole. Her tail swung in an arc, gaining balance as she dashed on all fours through the underbrush toward the cliffs. Malica heard the peal of anger and the ripping of leaves, but not enough; Big Sister ran ahead of her Little Men. Big Sister could rip Malica to shreds while fending off Malica’s Little Men.

Maybe if she’d aimed for the heart instead? Malica tossed the thought from her mind. Big Sister’s hide was too thick, and her Little Men would have swarmed while she reloaded the weapon. No. This was the right way, the only way.

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