Diablo II Designer Interview

The lead D-man from the not-yet released expansion pack to the ultra successful action/RPG, Diablo II, answered a few questions from Daily Radar during one of those interviews that are so popular on the web. He recounts about the Druid and Assassin characters, the dev. cycle of the game, what’s on people’s minds for the future, and more. Here’s a bite:

Q: Are you worried at all that a character that specializes in traps will be more indirect and passive, and much less exciting than the Druid?

A: That’s true; and we certainly don’t want to make her a weaker character. Plus, there’s a difference between being a powerful character — that is, being able to kill monsters easily — and being an interesting character with cool abilities. And that’s really what we’re after, a character with powerful yet interesting combat. We’re still experimenting right now. As a matter of fact, we’re working on ideas today that we just came up with yesterday, and we’ll probably be doing that for a while. We’re trying to break it up so she’s not just a barbarian with traps. We are working on her style and giving her things to do.

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