Diablo II Expansion Tune

For those that signed up to beta test the expansion pack to that ever so laggy but incredibly fun game Diablo II called Lord of Destruction (all 78,100 of you)… hoping to get your hands on a few rare ethereal items no doubt, you probably signed up for the Blizzard express e-mag “Blizzard Insider.” I got mine in the mail and it had a tasty new tune from the game lodged inside that’s called Fortress by Matt Uelmen.

It’s a tangy mix of drama and continous waves of inferred suspense, along a theme of part nature, awakening, high adventure and yet here’s the kicker. It’s not blatently cliched… dark in otherwords. It’s got that you -are -travelling -and -you -have -no -clue -what -could -come -next -Dorothy -in -the -woods -type of feel. Believe me, it’s all there. Just see for yourselves.

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