Diablo II Expansion Vignette

Moving is a lot of work. Not only have I been posting sporadically at GB at best these last few weeks (and I apologize for that and thank goodness Buck has picked up the slack), many of the recent newsbits have been about Diablo II’s expansion Lord of Destruction. Seeing though as I’m a super level 78 ‘Zon in the game and that I’ve got the beta, it’s no wonder.

Anyway, to continue in that tradition, GamePen posted their take on the Beta, offering up two pages of summaristic verbosity (neither of which I think are real words). Here’s some refreshment:

There are now class-specific items that can only be used by a certain class (like the katar for the Assassin, and severed heads in bottles for Necromancers [no, really.]) There are now Elite items, which are even better than Exceptional ones. Charms are magic items that only need to be in the backpack to give a magic ability to the owner. Ethereal weapons are translucent weapons that are better than their normal equivalents, but cannot be repaired, and eventually disappear.

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