Diablo II: Resurrected Technical Alpha Incoming

Blizzard Entertainment will be running a limited-time technical alpha for Diablo II: Resurrected over the weekend, starting April 9, 2021 at 7:00 AM (PT). The alpha will feature the game’s first two acts and allow those who receive an invite to play through these acts as the Amazon, Barbarian, and Sorceress.

Here’s more on that, along with a general alpha FAQ:

An acclaimed phenomenon, Diablo® II enchanted scores of gamers with addictive hack-and-slash gameplay and an immersive world. Now more than 20 years later the timeless classic is resurrected.

Our journey back to this iconic experience is about to begin. We are pleased to announce the Diablo II: Resurrected Single-player Technical Alpha, the first of multiple tests. As diehard fans, we understand that many of you are itching to return to a game so fondly remembered. Still, we are also thrilled to welcome new players to experience this iconic classic, and we look forward to the feedback you all may share. We want to know if we’re upholding the authenticity of design with our new visuals and quality of life changes.

About two months ago, the legacy of the Dark Wanderer was renewed in all of us when Diablo II: Resurrected was announced at BlizzConline. One of the most popular PC games of all time (and its expansion, Lord of Destruction®) is making a modern resurgence into our lives. We can’t wait for you to see the fearsome demons, brave adventurers, and the world of Sanctuary completely remastered in up to (if compatible platform and equipment is present) Ultra High Definition 4K (2160p) graphics on PC and consoles; while also having the ability to look through the lens of nostalgia by a press of a button.


The Sightless Eye

Players will begin their adventure from the Rogue Encampment, a quaint site populated by survivors of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, as they begin their search for the Dark Wanderer. However, an obstacle blocks the path, the one who supplanted the Sisterhood from the Rogue Monastery stands in between you and the way east. Confront Andariel, Maiden of Anguish, in a climactic showdown.

The Secret of the Vizjerei

If successful, the pursuit continues. Players will travel eastward to the Jewel of the Desert, the city of Lut Gholein. Although, this trading port isn’t the beautiful pinnacle of commerce it used to be. Following the Dark Wanderer’s visit, it is rife with evil. At night townspeople go missing and there are rumors of undead abominations skulking in the sewers…



“I shall purge this land of the shadow.” — Amazon

The Askari, also known as Amazons, hail from the Skovos Isles, a group of densely rain-forested islands in the Twin Seas. These mighty warrior women come from a matriarchal society, roaming the realm to pursue mercenary work and expel evil.

With the use of spears and javelins, skewer your foes. With bow marksmanship that rivals the Rogue Sisters of the Sightless Eye, rain volleys of arrows upon demons. With superhuman agility, dodge and evade killing blows. The Amazon is the embodiment of martial prowess, conditioned her entire life for the crucible of war.


“I shall meet death head-on.” — Barbarian

The “Broken People,” also known as the Barbarians, reside in the hostile wildernesses of Sanctuary, near the base of Mount Arreat. Living on the fringes of civilization, these warriors of brawn are products of their harsh surroundings, molded by perpetual tribal warfare and their constant struggle to survive.

Taunt adversaries into a blind rage that can be easily countered. With unparalleled strength, brutishly pummel enemies out of existence. With berserk fury, make the demons themselves tremble in your wake. Although, he is not as sophisticated as his cultured peers the Barbarian’s savage might is without equal.


“Evil beware!” — Sorceress

The Sorceresses originate from the Zann Esu Clan, an ancient order of female mages seeking the purest form of magic. Their entire lives are devoted to study and attune themselves with the magical elements. All of this effort a quest to become the most powerful wielders of magic in the world.

Melee combat is so uncivilized. Blast opponents into a flaming inferno. Freeze the demons of the Burning Hells into icy shards. Shock targets into submission. Don’t underestimate Sorceresses as scholarly pushovers, they are the masters of the elements, with unfathomable capabilities of destruction.



Q: How do I take part in the Technical Alpha?

A: Starting this Friday, a limited amount of PC players who have pre-registered on the Diablo II: Resurrected website will be able to download the Technical Alpha. Invitations to the Technical Alpha will be distributed throughout the day in waves starting at 7:00 AM (PT).

Q: If I’m unable to participate in this Technical Alpha, will I have a chance to participate in a future test?

A: The Diablo II: Resurrected Technical Alpha is only the first test. There will be at least one other chance to participate in a future test.

Q: Are test participants permitted to capture, record, or stream the Diablo II: Resurrected Technical Alpha?

A: Yes, all players are allowed to capture, record, or stream the game throughout the test.

Q: How long will the Technical Alpha last?

A: The Technical Alpha will run until 10:00 AM (PT) on Monday, April 12th. This will allow us to get the right amount of gameplay feedback and client performance data. Reference this Time Zone Converter to identify when the test will end in your region.

Q: Why are there only three classes playable in the Technical Alpha?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will launch with seven playable classes—the Amazon, Barbarian, Sorceress, as well as the Assassin, Necromancer, Druid and Paladin. Currently, we are focusing our gameplay testing on these three classes. We will be including other classes in the upcoming testing phase.

Q: Why is the Technical Alpha only single-player?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will launch with multiplayer, however, for the scope of this test we will be focusing on early game systems, the three playable classes, and client performance data. We will be including multi-player in an upcoming playable testing phase.

PLEASE NOTE: Although the Technical Alpha is single-player, an internet connection is still required to download the client and play the single-player in the test. The final game will permit off-line play in single-player mode, but you will be required to connect to the internet periodically to check for updates.

Q: Why are Acts 1 & II only playable in the Technical Alpha?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will launch with the full narrative experience of the game, alongside the narrative content of the expansion, Lord of Destruction. For this test, we really want to hone in on early gameplay in the settings of Acts I & II.

Q: Why are the old in-game cinematics in the Technical Alpha? Isn’t Diablo II: Resurrected getting updated cinematics?

A: The old in-game cinematics are placeholder in the Technical Alpha as the updated cinematics are still undergoing development.

Q: Why is the Technical Alpha PC-only? Will console players be able to test Diablo II: Resurrected?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will be launching on Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S. We will be including console players in our future play test phase.

Q: Will my progression from the Technical Alpha carry over to the next test or launch of the game?

A: No, all progression garnered from the Technical Alpha will be nontransferable to later tests or the launch of the game.

Q: Will I be able to load my Diablo II save file into the Technical Alpha?

A: No, save files will not be able to be imported into the Technical Alpha.

Q: Will the Technical Alpha have controller support?

A: The Technical Alpha will have controller support. However, this is still under development so any feedback will be valuable for us during this testing phase.

PLEASE NOTE: The controller support on PC does not fully represent the controller support experience on console. Controller support on console will have unique user interfaces, button layouts, and different option defaults to streamline the native controller interface.

Q: When will Diablo II: Resurrected be released?

A: We do not have a release to share at this time, but it will be coming in 2021.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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