Diablo III: Designing a Demon

The editors over at IGN have laid out the process that Blizzard Entertainment went through when designing Azmodan, Diablo, and the various armor sets in Diablo III. Lots of new (and amazing) concept art is included, as well as commentary from art director Christian Lichtner that seems to indicate that another showdown with Diablo as a boss monster is in our near future:

When designing any major boss or character, Lichtner said Blizzard would go through easily 50 or 60 concepts per character to work on a new design.

To come up with a new Diablo design, the bulk of the art team was roped into the process. Like in Diablo II, the Lord of Terror started off very bulky and spiky, as you can see above, with mouths set in his shoulders.

After a few iterations, the team hit on the idea of slimming down Diablo a bit. “This is probably something we should explore further. Much more sinewy, still very aggressive, the strong sharp shapes that are associated with him,” said Lichtner. “We pushed that concept a little further.”

“It’s not quite what you expect, but still very true to Diablo,” said Lichtner of this near final concept. “You can see a lot of spikes, very sharp shapes. It has a Geiger-esque quality to it. It’s still very beastly and demonic. Ultimately this one led to our last and final version.”

“We actually kept the mouths on the shoulders,” said Lichtner of the finalized Diablo design. “We felt that adds an extra creepy sort of vibe. We made sure it had a very iconic look, a very iconic silhouette.”

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