Diablo III Getting Achievements

MTV Multiplayer continues to prod the guys at Blizzard Entertainment, this time learning from designer Jeff Kaplan that Diablo III and StarCraft II will be getting achievements alongside Wrath of the Lich King.

…eventually players will have a Blizzard Account that shows Achievements from other Blizzard games they’ve played, including the upcoming titles (Diablo III) and (StarCraft II.)

(Eventually, our plans are for the Achievement system to become an account-based system,) he explained.

When the new Blizzard Accounts are active, a player’s ‘˜WoW’ points can be added to an overall score dubbed an account holder’s (Blizzard Level.) (It’s basically a gamerscore,) Kaplan said, when I made reference to Xbox Live’s Achievement system. (For now the points are just a ‘˜WoW’ character score. As we graduate to that Blizzard Account system, which is right on the horizon, it will switch over to a Blizzard Level.)

He added, (Your ‘˜WoW’ score would be just one factor that will go into your Blizzard Level. And rather than call it a ‘score,’ we just wanted it to be like you’re leveling up on Blizzard games. You’ll have this Blizzard identity, and you’ll be able to see things like ‘˜Oh, this guy was great at Diablo III, but he never played Starcraft and he was mediocre in WoW.’ That sort of thing.)

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