Diablo III Health System Overview

The official Diablo III website has been updated with an overview of the health system in the upcoming action RPG sequel, with a basic idea of how to get through fights with the use of potions and health globes.

That’s where health globes — floating, crimson spheres that rise from the corpses of your defeated foes — come in. These globes are the core means of regenerating your health in Diablo III, and all other methods of healing support them. When you pick up a health globe, your health (and the health of any allies in your party) is restored by a fixed percentage depending on the type of globe you’ve grabbed.

Each time you slay a “regular” enemy, whether a rabid demon or a crazed cultist, there’s a good chance (but not 100%) that a weak health globe will appear. Although weak globes emerge more frequently than other types of health globes, they restore the smallest percentage of your health.

When you do battle with stronger foes, like “rare” and “champion” monsters, you’re likely to see medium-sized health globes emerge before these monsters are killed, as they reach certain health percentages or are stripped of their defenses. Medium globes restore a sizeable percentage of your health, but you’ll need the extra boost to survive when dealing with these formidable enemies.

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