Diablo III is Running on Consoles, But It’s Still Not Official… Yet

Considering that Blizzard Entertainment’s Rob Pardo and Jay Wilson have come right out and fessed up to Polygon that Diablo III is “up and running” on consoles, I have to wonder if there aren’t some core changes that are still up in the air (no auction house, maybe?) or if they’re waiting for the next console cycle before fully announcing that the actoin RPG threequel is living room-bound.

“We’re still kind of exploring it,” said Blizzard executive Rob Pardo, who was recently promoted from executive vice president of game design to chief creative officer. “We’ve got builds up and running on it. We’re hoping to get it far enough along where we can make it an official project, but we’re not quite ready to release stuff about it, but it’s looking pretty cool.”

Diablo 3 lead designer Jay Wilson reiterated that Blizzard is still “exploring console options” and continues to “expand and add onto the game.”

“The whole team is essentially working on the next big Diablo thing,” Wilson told Polygon during an interview this weekend. “A lot of that stuff will show up next year at some point.”

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